Monday, March 22, 2010

Something to remember in fundmentals

Well, the second day of class is over and it should have been a disaster. We were cooking some great food but, the only thing was we forgot to prepare our recipes or at least study them. Wow talk about not having your head in the game! GOING TO COOKING CLASS WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING YOUR GOING TO COOK. That would be like going hunting without a gun. Here are the thing we were supposed to cook, 1) New York Strip Steak, Grilled, 2) Caramelized Onions, 3) Creamed Spinach, 4) French Fries (This was one I did know how to do), 5) Pommes Anna Aux Champignons, 6) Pommes Duchesse (We didn't have to cook), 7) Twice-Baked Potatoes with Cabbage & Leeks. WOW! Some of you may think this would be simple to do if you've been cooking a while but not when you've been in constrution most of your life. The only training I had was from my Mother, Who is a pretty good cook herself. Most of the cooking I learned was through trial and error. So what I'm trying to say is the most important thing you need to remember is to be prepaered for class, expect the unexpected, and be ready to do your best no matter what happens. Keep trying hard and learn as much as you can before your labs and every thing will turn out okay.

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